Optimal Design Method of Assistant Excitation Capacitor and Filter Inductor of Dual Stator-Winding Induction Generator in Variable Frequency AC Generation System |
Bu Feifei,Hu Yuwen,Huang Wenxin,Zhuang Shenglun,Shi Kai |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract In this paper,an optimal design method of two key parameters of the assistant excitation capacitor and the filter inductor in the dual stator-winding induction generator (DWIG) variable frequency AC generation system is proposed. The control winding current under different speeds and loads is analyzed using the analytic expression of the control winding current to obtain its change law. Based on this,the optimal principal of the assistant excitation capacitor is established. For the filter inductor,its maximum is determined by the current fast tracking requirement and the maximum of the control winding current,and its minimum is calculated according to the ability of the harmonic current suppression. The experimental results prove that,the assistant excitation capacitor and the filter inductor selected by the proposed optimal design method are reasonable and valid,and the system can work stably,as well as the minimum capacity of the power converter is obtained.
Received: 06 November 2013
Published: 22 January 2015
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