Vibration Prediction Method for Power Capacitors Based on the Impulse Discharge Test |
Zhu Lingyu1,Ji Shengchang1,Shen Qi2,Liu Yuan1,Liu Hao1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation for Power Equipment Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China 2. Shaoxing Electric Power Bureau Shaoxing 312000 China |
Abstract Capacitor stacks radiate a lot of noise in HVDC converter stations,and the noise level and the vibration should be predicted. The prediction method of capacitor tank vibration is concerned in this paper. A novel prediction method of capacitor tank vibration is proposed methodically based on a frequency response function. The frequency response function,which is the frequency domain quotient of vibration velocity of capacitor tank and the squared capacitor voltage,is defined as the electro-mechanical frequency response function and can be obtained by impulse discharge test. Under given excitation,the vibration velocity can be calculated by the product of electro-mechanical frequency response function and the squared voltage in frequency domain. The comparison of predicted and measured vibration of capacitor tank under two excitations is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the prediction method presented in this paper.
Received: 15 April 2013
Published: 22 January 2015
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