Analysis and Design of a Rectifier Generator Circuit Breaker |
Liu Luhui,Zhuang Jinwu,Jiang Zhuangxian,Wang Chen |
Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract The medium voltage DC power systems of modern ships use rectifier generator as the system source. When faults occur in the generator side,the RGCB(rectifier generator circuit breaker) must act immediately; when faults occur in the grid side,the RGCB has to undergo the fault current for a short period before cut off the short current. A hybrid DC vacuum breaker based on forced commuta- tion principle is expatiated. The topology is improved based on theoretical analysis of commutation process. Asymmetrically bidirectional design and simulation are performed,which indicates the commuta- tion circuit can be optimized upon this way. A 5kV/6kA RGCB was realized. The effectiveness of the theoretical analysis and preference were validated by the results of equivalent tests.
Received: 11 March 2014
Published: 22 January 2015
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