Small Disturbance Characteristics of the Different Turbine Generator Models |
Xu Guorui1, Tang Yong2, Liu Xiaofang1, Wang Hongyu1, Kang Jinping1, Luo Yingli1 |
1. North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100085 China |
Abstract The practical models of turbine generator used in power system simulation are derived from Park equations by introducing different assumed conditions. The so-called assumed A practical model is obtained by postulating xafxD=xaDxfD in several literatures, while assumed B practical model is obtained by postulating xad=xaf=xaD=xfD. The B-1 practical model is obtained based on assumed B by further hypothesis. In order to analyse the accuracy of simulation results, the small-disturbance characteristics calculated by practical models are compared with time step finite element method(TSFEM). Firstly, the physical significance of different assumed condition is studied. The essential distinction of different assumed conditions is considering the mutual leakage flux linkage between exciting winding and damping winding or not; Then, take single machine infinite system for example, the small-disturbance characteristic calculated by different models are compared under the different damping structures. Finally, the small-disturbance characteristic calculated by assumed A is closed to T-S FEM through comparing small-disturbance characteristics index. The result provides reasonable reference to select practical model in power system simulation.
Received: 13 April 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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