Flashover Characteristic for High Altitude 500 kV Single-Circuit Transmission Line |
Deng Wei1, Meng Gang1, 2, Chen Yong1, Zhang Rui1, Huo Feng3 |
1. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Wuhan 430074 China 2. Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China 3. China Electric Power Research Institute Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract In the actual condition of high altitude, the up-and-down method was employed to investigate the switching impulse and lightning impulse discharge characteristics of the gaps between the bundled conductors and the tower of 500 kV single-circuit transmission lne, the switching impulse and lightning impulse discharge curves were obtained with the gaps of 2~5.5 m, and several altitude correction methods were used to calibrate and analyze the results to obtain the correction methods which is appropriate for transmission project. The experiments show that 50% lightning impulse voltages and 50 % switching impulse voltages are declining with increasing the altitudes, but the trend and degree of changes has a little notable differences; and the influence of altitude on the switching impulse flashover voltage obtains weaker with increasing of switching impulse voltage. By discussing the switching impulse and lightning impulse discharge under different altitude correction methods, It is proposed in this paper that the appropriate method is suited for correct the switching impulse and lightning impulse of 500 kV single -circuit transmission line at high altitude. According to the above conclusions, this work has enriched the research of external insulation characteristics of 500 kV single-circuit transmission line in actual high altitude area and can provide technical support for the external insulation design, operation and maintenance of 500 kV single -circuit transmission projects in high altitude area in China.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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