Harmonic Characteristic Analysis of Carrier Based Pules-Width Modulation Traction Rectifier |
Cui Hengbin, Feng Xiaoyun, Zhang Jie, Song Wensheng |
Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract To study the mechanism and the influencing factors of harmonics from high-speed trains (HSTs), the mechanism of the carrier based pulse-width modulation (CBPWM) is explained based on the simplified sinusoidal cutting model. And classical bilateral Fourier series and Bessel functions are combined to deduce the harmonic spectrum calculation formula of the H bridge AC voltage of a HST single-phase rectifier. Then the dead-time effect on the sinusoidal cutting model is deeply analyzed. The new unified sinusoidal cutting model considering dead-time effect is established based on it, and then the dead-time additional harmonics calculation formula is deduced. The quantitative analysis of the dead time effects on the harmonic content and its spectrum distribution are performed. In the end, digital simulation and hardware-in-loop (HIL) experimental results of a HST single phase rectifier are shown to verify the accuracy and the correctness of the sinusoidal cutting model.
Received: 08 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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