Optimized Current Tracking Method for Grid-Connected Inverter with Adaptive Characteristic Harmonic Elimination |
Liu Jinghui1, Zheng Yihui1, Yao Gang2, Zhou Lidan2, Wang Xin1, Shao Zhengda3 |
1. Center of Electrical & Electronic Technology Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China 2. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion Ministry of Education (Department of Electrical Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Shanghai 200240 China 3. Urban Power Supply Company SMEPC Shanghai 200080 China |
Abstract In order to solve the current distortion phenomenon of the three-phase grid-connected inverters caused by the dead-time effect, DC voltage fluctuation and system voltage harmonics. The selective characteristic harmonic elimination strategy was applied into grid-connected inverter to optimize grid current waveform and improve current tracking performance on the basis of distribution static synchronous compensator(D-STATCOM) model. The method improved the traditional proportion integration(PI) control under d-q synchronous coordinate system by a harmonic compensation feed-forward. It used generalized coordinate transformation for the selective detection of main low characteristic harmonics, and reconstructed PWM modulation wave to optimize the current tracking performance. On basis of the above, an adaptive feed-forward gain adjust method was also designed. It used least mean square(LMS) algorism to improve the precision of harmonic compensation and used the adaptive linear element(ADALINE) network to improve the adaptability to voltage distortion. Finally, MATLAB simulation result and D-STATCOM experimental prototype prove the validity of this method.
Received: 21 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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