Extended-Power Load Flow Calculation Based on Selection of Branch Power |
Lu Zhigang1,Cheng Huilin1,Feng Lei2 |
1. Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China 2.Xingtai Polytechnic College Xingtai 054035 China |
Abstract The traditional load flow calculation,which has a strict requirement for power type,needs the injection active power of all nodes except the balance node,and the injection reactive power of all PQ nodes. The strict requirement often leads to the load flow calculation failure due to the lack of injection power. This paper presents extended-power load flow which makes use of branch power as substitutes for the missing injection power. The modified equation of the new method are deduced. The coefficient matrix method is also proposed to select the alternative branch power and the criterion to judge whether the power flow calculation has solutions is built. The algorithm process is given and simulation is done on IEEE 14 and IEEE-118 system. The results show that the existed problem can be solved based on the extended-power load flow and the coefficient matrix.
Received: 31 December 2011
Published: 11 December 2013
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