Short-Term Wind Power Load Forecasting Based on Frequency Domain Decomposition |
Wen Jinbin1,Wang Xin1,Li Lixue1,Zheng Yihui1,Zhou Lidan2,Shao Fengpeng3 |
1. Center of Electrical & Electronic Technology Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai。200240 China 2.Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion Ministry of Education Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China 3. Yanji Power Supply Company,Jilin Electric Power Co. Ltd Yanbian 133000 China |
Abstract In order to overcome the irregularity of wind power and improve wind power load forecasting accuracy. The frequency domain decomposition methods use in wind power load forecasting can find the wind power law and overcome the irregularity of wind power on a certain extent. With the frequency domain decomposition method,the original load data will be decompose into daily cycle,week cycle,the low and high frequency four parts. Part of the daily cycle will use neural network methods for training and prediction. The low-frequency part will use a linear regression method. The method of combining lifting wavelet and neural network will be used in training and forecasting the high-frequency part. Finally,the various parts of the forecasting results add up to achieve high-precision wind power load forecasting. In this paper,the actual data are used for simulation,the experimental results show that the method based on the frequency domain decomposition,can more easily find the wind power law,benefit short term load forecasting by different methods in different part,greatly improve the precision of forecasting. The test shows that the method used for the wind power load forecast is feasible and effective.
Received: 19 September 2012
Published: 11 December 2013
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