Coordinated Operation of Large Scale Electric Vehicles Charging with Wind-Thermal Power System |
Liu Wenxia1,Zhao Tianyang1,Qiu Wei2,Zhang Jianhua1 |
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2.National Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center Beijing 100031 China |
Abstract The rapid development of renewable energy poses new challenges to the operation of the grid wind power can not be fully used due to the lack of peak-load regulation capacity and so on. And the electric vehicle charging as controllable provides the opportunity to improve the grid operation. A two-stage control mechanism based on grid and EV users is proposed to determine the coordinated program between large-scale EV charging and wind-thermal system. At the user side,different charging strategies for different users are established to optimize EV charging. At the grid side,a dynamic environmental dispatch model including economy,emission and wind-power abandoned is proposed to optimize outputs of the thermal units. The orthogonal initialization,improved crowd distance calculation and self-adaptive parameter control are put forward due to the weakness existing in the multi-objective differential evolution. Simulations are done in a system containing 10 thermal units and large-scale wind-power system,the coordinated program is determined,and impacts of EV scale and reserve on the operation are also analyzed.
Received: 22 April 2011
Published: 11 December 2013
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