A New Detection Method of Voltage Sag Applied in DVR |
Qu Shuo, Huang Chun, Jiang Yaqun, Zeng Zhaoxin |
Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract Voltage sag are one of the most serious problems related to power quality; the fast and accurate detection of voltage sag characteristics is the premise of voltage sag compensation. This paper proposes an improved method to estimate the characteristic parameters of single phase voltage sag. Firstly, the single phase voltage is shifted with an adjustable angle, and the perpendicular and orthogonal αβ vectors are constructed. Then, the voltage amplitude and phase angle are obtained by αβ-dq transform. With less calculation and limited noise and harmonic amplification, the method guarantees both steady precision and dynamic speed of sag detection. The simulation results show that the new method can significantly improve the compensation effect of dynamic voltage restorer.
Received: 31 October 2011
Published: 25 March 2014
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