Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control System Based on No Manual Tuned Active Disturbance Rejection Control |
Lu Da1, Zhao Guangzhou1, Qu Yilong2, Qi Donglian1 |
1. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China 2. The High Technology Research and Development Center The Ministry of Science and Technology Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract A modified active disturbance rejection controller(ADRC) is proposed in this paper. ADRC attracts much attention from industry and academia for its independent on models, non-windup and robustness. However, the nonlinear state feedback(NLSEF) in ADRC adopts discrete time-optimal control synthesis(fhan) function which includes three parameters to be tuned. Since the three parameters have no physical meaning, the tuning has to use trial and error method and depends on experience of operator. To solve the problem, the control mechanism of NLSEF in ADRC is analyzed based on the characteristics of fhan function, and then a no manual tuned ADRC(NMT-ADRC) structure is proposed. NLSEF does not include any parameters which need turning in this structure. To verify the effectiveness, NMT-ADRC is applied to control permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) speed and torque. Experimental results show that both the speed and torque can obtain satisfied static and dynamic performance.
Received: 18 July 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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