DC Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control for Cascade STATCOM in Wind Farm |
Li Shengqing, Xu Wenxiang, Li Weizhou, Zeng Huanyue |
Hunan University of Technology Zhuzhou 412008 China |
Abstract As wind energy has the characteristics of randomness and intermittent, the fluctuations of each module DC voltage of cascade STATCOM is more obvious. This paper setted up the mathematical model of cascade STATCOM in wind farm, analyzed the control characteristics in the fourth quadrant, and proposed the method of active power equal distribution to control the voltage of each module DC side to be balancing, which could control the AC side’s input active power to control the DC side’s voltage. By using hierarchical coordinated control strategy to regulate active power and reactive power of cascade STATCOM. In the upper, it could realize the whole control by decoupling ; in the lower, it could realize the equal distribution of active power by using the module controller. Simulation and experimental results show that this method can effectively stabilize the DC side’s voltage of the cascade STATCOM.
Received: 01 October 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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