A Sensor-Less Control Scheme for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators Using Predictive Dead-Beat Algorithm |
Tong Li1, Zou Xudong1, Feng Shushuai1, Huang Qingjun1, Zhang Yun2, Kang Yong1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology 430074 China 2. Hunan Electric Power Supply Service Center Changsha 410007 China |
Abstract This paper proposes a high-performance sensor-less control scheme using predictive dead-beat algorithm for the permanent magnet synchronous generators(PMSG). To derive excellent sensor-less control performances, the estimated back EMF in cascade with a compensator is proposed to be applied into dead-beat controller, achieving both the stability improvement and null error tracking performance of stator current. Then, advanced prediction of stator current by Luenberger algorithm is further adopted to eliminate negative effects of the one-step-delay, and on premise of system stability, parameters in discrete control model are designed to improve both the dynamic responses and robust- ness against parameter variations. On this basis, the synchronous rotating frame phase lock loop(SRF-PLL) that incorporates the estimated back EMF could observe the rotor position angle and speed, which to be well involved in achieving the flux-orientation and speed feedback regulation. Finally, simulation analysis and experimental results from a 10kW PMSG-based prototype direct-driven power generation system are shown to well verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed sensor-less control scheme.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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