Control Strategies for Grid-Side Converter of Distributed Generation System Under Asymmetrical Faults |
Fan Shouting, Wang Zheng, Zou Zhixiang |
School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract The control strategies for grid-side converter of distributed generation system under asymmetrical grid faults are designed, analyzed and verified with experiments in this paper. The key is to study the two control strategies under asymmetrical grid faults, which are achieved under synchronous reference frame and under two-phase stationary coordinate system respectively. The working principles and implementation methods are designed and analyzed in detail from the aspects of grid synchronization, power control and current regulation. The experiments based on a TMS320F28335 platform are conducted to compare the performance of the two control strategies. The experimental results verify that the method based on stationary coordinate system not only exhibits better performance, but also offers the simpler control algorithm.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 12 December 2013
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