Abstract As the maritime power strategy was proposed and Zhoushan islands new area was established by the government, the research on island power systems becomes an urgent requirement. By comparison of typical island power system demonstration projects around the world, the research status and development tendency of island power systems are summarized, so are several features and key issues of island power systems. Then the main technology characteristics and progress of Zhairuoshan island power system are introduced. Finally, several key technologies, mainly including wind/photovoltaic flexible grid-connection strategy, hybrid energy storage coordination control and demand response of thermostatically-controlled loads, are analyzed from the point view of power system operation and energy management.
Yang Huan,Zhao Rongxiang,Xin Huanhai等. Development and Research Status of Island Power Systems[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(11): 95-105.
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