Abstract Based on double-shell dielectric model of spherical unicellular cell, full-circuit equivalent model of spherical unicellular cell is proposed with the consideration of frequency- dispersion by using Debye model. Then amplitude-frequency characteristics of trans-membrane potentials of plasma membrane and nuclear membrane with frequency-dispersion are calculated, and the results indicate that trans-membrane of plasma membrane and nuclear membrane can be greatly changed when the frequency of applied pulsed electric fields(PEF) exceeds 108Hz, specifically, trans-membrane potential will gain another 5dB within the spectral of [108Hz, 1011Hz]. Two typical parameters of PEF are selected to investigate the time domain response of trans-membrane of plasma membrane and nuclear membrane, and the results demonstrate that bioelectric effects of cell can be more accurately forecasted with the consideration of frequency-dispersion.
Guo Fei,Yao Chenguo,Li Chengxiang等. Simulation Study of Trans-Membrane Potential of Plasma and Nuclear Membranes with Frequency-Dispersion[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(11): 182-188.
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