Multi-Objective Coordinated Planning of Distribution Network Incorporating Distributed Generation Based on Chance Constrained Programming |
Bai Muke, Tang Wei, Zhang Lu, Suo Li |
China Agricultural University Beijing 100083 China |
Abstract Considering the uncertainty of the distributed generation (DG) output and the load, a distribution network multi-objective coordinated planning incorporating DG is presented. According to the probability density function, multi-state models of wind generation, photovoltaic(PV) generation and load are established respectively, then the multi-state model of the distribution system can be proposed. A multi-objective coordinated planning model of distribution network with DG based on the chance constrained programming is put forward, which take the minimization of equipment investment costs, system power losses, interruption costs and power purchasing costs as objectives. The multi-objective optimization is converted into the single-objective optimization by weighting method. The decision variables such as DG position and capacity, rewiring and attending new load are optimized by genetic algorithm using hybrid coding. The example simulation results show that the economic and technical benefit are effectively improved by synthetical planning of DG and the distribution network on the basis of chance constrained programming, meanwhile the reference values of confidence level are given and the influences of PV unit cost on planning scheme are illustrated through sensitivity analyzing.
Received: 06 May 2013
Published: 25 March 2014
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