Analysis of the Positive Corona Onset Characteristic of the Bundle Conductors in the UHV Corona Cage |
Liu Yunpeng1, Zhu Lei1, Lü Fangcheng1, Xie Xiongjie2, You Shaohua1 |
1. Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Security Defense North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract In order to study the corona onset characteristic of the positive conductor in the UHV corona cage, the charge simulation method is applied to calculate the space electric field and corona onset voltage of the stranded conductor in the corona cage. Each strand is simulated by 8 space charges, based on the corona sustainable criterion in extreme uneven electric filed and the secondary emission process of the photoelectrons. The corona loss test of the single aluminum cable steel reinforced (LGJ)900-75, 6*LGJ900-75, 8*LGJ400-35 conductors in dry and rain conditions is done in the UHV corona cage, and the chosen rain rate are 2.4mm/h, 20mm/h and 30mm/h. The tangent line method is used to determine the test corona onset voltage, and the comparative study proves that the calculation model can be used to calculate the positive corona onset voltage of the bundle conductors in the UHV corona cage. A further analysis shows that: the positive corona onset voltage increases with the bundle number, and decreases with the bundle space and also increases with the diameter of the sub -conductor; the surface irregularity coefficient decreases with the rain rate, while at the same time, it tends to be saturated.
Received: 02 November 2011
Published: 27 November 2013
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