Strategies of Grid-Connection of Doubly-Fed Variable-Speed Constant-Frequency Wind Power Generator with No-Load and with Load |
Liu Qihui, Xie Mengli |
North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 |
Abstract In the situation of doubly-fed variable-speed constant-frequency(DFVSCF) wind power generator using AC excitation applied to rotor, the stator voltage can be regulated quickly to meet the condition of grid-connection. With this flexible connectivity, the method of field-oriented vector control was adopted in this paper, and then the control principles of grid-connection with no-load and with load of DFVSCF wind power generator was investigated. Two strategies of grid-connection, together with their corresponding rotor current control models were established based on stator flux oriented vector control technology, and one u-ω stator flux linkage observer independent of generator parameters was put forward. With the proposed control schem, the DFVSCF wind power generator can be safely connected to grid at variable speed. At last, the experimental research was conducted, and experimental result verifies the correctness and feasibility of the strategies proposed by this paper.
Received: 06 May 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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