Analysis of Ice Growth on Different Type Insulators Based on Fluid Dynamics |
Zhang Zhijin, Huang Haizhou, Jiang Xingliang, Hu Jianlin, Sun Caixin |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract To reveal the dynamics characteristic of insulator during the icing process, based on the Lagrange method, through solving the 3-D Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes(RANS) equations of airflow and governing equations of discrete droplets, the numerical simulation of the flow field and droplet trajectories around composite and aerodynamic insulator was carried out. And the numerical simulation was verified by artificial icing tests. The results of simulation and test indicate that: under typical icing weather conditions, the flow field of leeward side is significantly different with that of windward side for composite insulator. And the amount of droplets which flow around the composite insulator and collide to the leeward side with whirlpool is small. In artificial icing test, ice mainly exists on the windward side of composite insulator and there is almost no ice on leeward. The velocity of flow on leeward side of aerodynamic insulator is also big, and large number of droplets can flow around the steel cap to collide with the surface of leeward side. So the ice shape and ice growth process of leeward side are similar with that of windward side for aerodynamic insulator. The icicle blocks the flow and aggravates the turbulence of flow field. The insulator windward side may form icicles under the wind speed of up to 15m/s and the influence of structure of insulator on the icing state may decrease.
Received: 16 August 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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