Research and Design on Snubber Circuits of Thyristor Voltage Regulator Based on Time-Domain Modeling |
Li Kai, Yuan Feng, Ding Zhenliang |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract Due to the characteristics of transmission line, devices’ half-controllability, and load circuits, over voltage, over current and voltage and current surge often occur at the moment of turn-on and shut-off in three-phase AC thyristor voltage regulators. RC snubber circuits are able to suppress such surges, the coefficients of which may influence energy loss. In order to solve the problems of optimal coefficients’ configuration, this paper studies the output characteristics of a thyristor in one on period based on time-domain modeling, according to the model with snubber circuit, and establishes the power loss index and mathematical descriptions of impact’s constraint conditions to system. The idea is proposed of achieving energy saving and surges’ suppressions by optimizing power loss index as well as determining snubber circuit’s parameters taking surges as constraint conditions, and it is realized by means of MATLAB. Simulation curves and actual waveforms indicate the result of suppression to surges and energy conservation is obvious, which verifies the effectiveness of such designs.
Received: 03 November 2010
Published: 19 March 2014
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