A Maximum Power Control Method of Three-Phase Voltage Source Rectifiers Adapted to Aircraft Electric Actuator Load |
Zhang Wei1, Shang Xiaolei1, Zhou Yuanjun1, Liu Xinbo1, Han Hongwei2 |
1. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100191 China 2. China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute Beijing 100013 China |
Abstract The aircraft electric actuator is one of the most important loads of the future more electric aircraft power grid. And it features with the load characteristics of wide-range rapid varying. In this paper, a maximum power control method for the three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier is presented. The proposed control method aims to solve the problem of big output voltage dip and instability when the load current varying rapidly. The maximum power control method and its structure are presented. The characters of an aircraft electric actuator and the affect for supply source are analyzed. The proposed control method is validated by simulation. The simulation responses of the classical linear PI scheme are included for comparative study. Experiments are also done on a 10kW prototype. Simulation results and experimental results show improved performance and big capacity of the new scheme in the voltage regulating of a VSR with wide-range dynamic loads.
Received: 29 October 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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