Analysis of Voltage Breakdown Characteristic of IGBT |
Wang Bo, Hu An, Tang Yong, Chen Ming |
Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract Aiming at long-term extensive design method during selecting IGBT model, calculation and measurement of field stop IGBT avalanche breakdown voltage is analyzed based on structure of IGBT and avalanche breakdown theory of PN junction. As distributing induction of circuit and device brought a peak voltage during switching transient, characteristic in over-voltage breakdown and methods of controlling peak voltage is also analyzed. Aiming at the mistaken cognition that IGBT could be failure once over voltage happened, failure mechanism and mode of over-voltage breakdown is analyzed. The essence in over-voltage breakdown failure is thermal failure induced by cumulate heat inducing junction temperature rise. Failure mode behaves short circuit firstly and open circuit lastly. The ability of enduring short time over-voltage breakdown of IGBT is validated by experiment.
Received: 09 March 2011
Published: 07 March 2014
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