Research on Digital Filter for Reactive, Negative Sequence and Harmonic Current Detection |
Zhang Xiaobin, Zhong Yanru, Wang Xiaoyan |
Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710048 China |
Abstract The digital filter is an important part in reactive, negative sequence and harmonic current detection which is based on the instantaneous reactive power theory. The accuracy and speed of digital filter has effect on the result of current detection. Analyzed the digital filter which is used in the current detection under all kinds of voltage and current conditions, the idea of digital filter classification design is proposed. The three optimized digital filters are designed which are suited for different voltage and current conditions. The simulation and experimental results validate that compared with the currently used digital filter, the speed is improved obviously and accuracy is kept for the designed digital filters. The complexity of filters also is not increased significantly.
Received: 14 October 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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