Selection of Heating Object’s Position in Electromagnetic Induction Heating |
Wang Qihan, Yao Yingying, Chen Weibao |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310058 China |
Abstract To realize certain temperature distribution precisely and efficiently, a method of determining the heating object’s position is introduced to electromagnetic induction heating. Firstly, a conclusion is reached that the heating object’s eddy currents (HOEC) are in proportion with no-load magnetic field (NLMF) at the same position, and by the relation the research only focused on NLMF to determine the ideal heating position. Secondly, the target NLMF distribution is derived from the target temperature distribution, then the Biot-Savart law deduces objective function, and numerical method calculates the value of objective function representing the ideal position. Finally, the comparative results of mathematical computation and software simulation demonstrate the method is right and workable. By designing the mathematical method’s Matlab program, the desired position is acquired effectively and conveniently with parameters of heating device’s structure and target temperature distribution.
Received: 14 September 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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