Domestic Situation and Prospect of Pressboards and Outlet Device Insulation Components |
Wang Jianning1, Xuan Baiyun2 |
1. Taizhou Insulation Material General Works Taizhou 225300 China 2. Taizhou Weidmann High Voltage Insulation Co., Ltd. Taizhou 225300 China |
Abstract An overview of the major manufacturing enterprises of pressboards and insulation components is presented. Based on the investigation of the product quality level of the insulation components such as the insulation pressboards and the outlet devices in China, the domestic situation of the paper-based insulation materials of the large-scale ultra-high-voltage power transmission equipment is discussed. In addition, the development proposals concerned to the insulating materials are put forward. With detail data of the major manufacturing enterprises of pressboard and insulation components at hand, the possibility of localization is stressed. It is presumed that the quality and production capacity of domestic insulation pressboard can well satisfy the localization requirements for transmission equipment of different voltage levels. The manufacturing level of the insulation components such as the outlet devices can meet the quality requirements for the super voltage power transmission equipment. However, the domestic insulation component manufacturers lack of design capacity and research experience of the ultra-high-voltage outlet devices. In order to achieve localization, the industry-wide cooperation is required.
Received: 17 May 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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