Abstract Extracting the characteristic information of power quality disturbances and classifying them is an important problem that should be solved by power quality monitoring system. Proposed a PQ disturbances classification method based linear time-frequency distribution (windowed Fourier transform and S-transform) and binary threshold feature matrix. Combined the advantages of WFD and ST, the method presents five features and binaries them, constitutes a binary threshold feature matrix, classifies different disturbances through comparing the magnitudes of the binary feature to the binary threshold feature matrix. Simulation results of 9 common kinds of disturbances indicate that the method has good performance of accuracy(>99%) and shows the validity and efficiency of the method.
Wang Lixia,He Zhengyou,Zhao Jing. Power Quality Disturbance Classification Based on Linear Time-Frequency Distribution and Binary Threshold Feature Matrix[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2011, 26(4): 185-191.
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