Space Charge Accumulation and Stress Distortion in Polyethylene Under High DC Voltage and Temperature Gradient |
Chen Xi, Wang Xia, Wu Kai, Peng Zongren, Cheng Yonghong |
State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi’ an Jiaotong University Xi’ an 710049 China |
Abstract Temperature gradient across cable thickness is caused by Joule heat originating from the current in the HV cable conductor, which must influence the injection and migration of charge, lead to the gradient of insulation resistance and then the gradient of electrical field. As a result, the lifetime of cable is decreased due to charge accumulation and stress distortion at the outer surface of insulation. So, it is a high theory and engineering values for new direct current (DC) cable insulation design to study the space charge accumulation and stress distortion in cable insulation under DC stress and temperature gradient. In this paper, space charge profiles and field distributions of polyethylene (PE) with thickness of 0.5mm are measured under the different temperature difference(Δ T=0~40℃), when DC stress of 70kV/mm is applied. The test results show that the maximum electrical field reaches 230kV/mm, that is, increases 2.28 times when the temperature difference is 40℃. At the same time, the maximum electrical field increases linearly with the temperature difference.
Received: 11 September 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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