Flux Linkage Characteristic Measurement Based on DSP and Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Switched Reluctance Motor |
Xue Mei1, Xia Changliang1, Wang Huimin2, Xie Ximing1 |
1. Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China 2. Tianjin Polytechnic University Tianjin 300160 China |
Abstract A wavelet neural network(WNN) model of flux linkage characteristic based on measured magnetization curves is presented for switched reluctance motors(SRM). A flux linkage measuring installation is setup by using a digital signal processor(DSP). The magnetization curves at different rotor positions are obtained by calculating flux linkage using a discrete method on an upper level computer. Then, a feed-forward neural network(FFNN) model of flux linkage characteristic is proposed. The commonly used Mexican hat wavelet is chosen as the activation function for hidden-layer neurons, and its parameters are determined by training the network with the descend gradient method. Simulation indicates that the proposed model has reduced error and improved generalization property. It shows some prospect on optimizing online control of SRM.
Received: 24 March 2008
Published: 07 March 2014
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