Active Clamp ZVS Power Factor Correction Converter With Complementary Control Method |
Wu Xinke, Zhang Junming, Qian Zhaoming, Zhao Rongxiang |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract An improved zero voltage switching(ZVS) power factor correction converter is proposed and analyzed in this paper. The optimal design guideline is presented. By using an auxiliary switch, a small auxiliary inductor and a clamp capacitor, ZVS for all switches are achieved. To eliminate the voltage ringing across the output rectifier diode, a small diode VDc is added to clamp the voltage. A 500W PFC prototype with universal input is built up to verify the theoretical analysis. The efficiency can reach 95.5% at 90V input with full load.
Received: 11 April 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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