A Novel Three-Port Inverter for Photovoltaic Power System |
Gao Zhiqiang, Ji Yanchao, Tan Guanghui, Wang Jianze |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract The defects of traditional stand-alone photovoltaic power system were that which need complex energy management and plenty of switches. In order to overcome these problems, a novel stand-alone photovoltaic power system and its strategy of energy management is proposed in this paper. The system consists of a PV module, a battery, a boost converter, a bi-directional charge-discharge converter and a isolated inverter. It has the advantages of boost and maximum power point tracking of PV module, bi-directional charge-discharge of battery, and isolation. Through controlling the boost converter and the bi-directional converter and the inverter to operate in an appropriate state depending on the operation pattern of solar cell and battery. This strategy makes the system operation with high efficiency and stable state. Matlab simulation results show the effectiveness the proposed three-port inverter.
Received: 08 October 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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