A Non-Contact Electromagnetic Clutch Suitable for High Rotating Speed Application |
Li Yong, Xing Jingwei, Han Sufang, Lu Yongping |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract A special clutch is needed in a special instrument, which takes charge of coupling and separating two mechanical shifts at high rotating speed. A novel non-contact electromagnetic clutch is designed in this paper. The working principle is based on tooth slot resistance effect. It has outstanding advantages of non-contact, low noise automatic overload protection, and is very suitable for high speed usage. The clutch is studied about principle analysis, and model simulation in Ansoft. A prototype is manufactured and tested. It is proved by experiments that the working principle of the designed clutch is correct, and it has good prospect in practical engineering application.
Received: 20 September 2010
Published: 10 March 2014
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