Influence of Water and Acid on the Thermal Aging of Mineral Oil Mixed With Natural Ester Oil-Paper Insulation |
Liao Ruijin, Hao Jian, Liang Shuaiwei, Zhu Mengzhao, Yang Lijun |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract In order to study the aging characteristics of mineral oil mixed with natural ester oil-paper insulation(mixed oil-paper insulation) and reveal the effect of natural ester on the water and acid dissolved in the mixed oil-paper insulation system, the accelerated thermal aging test of mineral oil-paper insulation and mixed oil-paper insulation under 110℃ are performed. The interaction between water and oil, together with the interaction between water and insulation paper in the two types of oil-paper insulation systems are analyzed by the molecular simulation, and the infrared spectroscopy of aging papers are also researched. The results show that: the anti-aging of mixed oil-paper insulation is better than mineral oil-paper insulation. In mixed oil-paper insulation system, the natural ester can form stable hydrogen bonds with water and acid, which weakens the synergy endangerment role caused by moisture and acid on the insulation paper. The reactive -OH groups on the cellulose can react with fatty acids and this can inhibit the aging of insulation paper.
Received: 10 April 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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