An Interpolation Algorithm for Time-Domain Simulation of Power Electronics Circuit Considering Multiple Switching Events |
Wang Chengshan1, Li Peng1, Huang Bibin1, Wang Liwei2, Gao Fei1 |
1. Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China 2. University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada |
Abstract Traditional electromagnetic transient simulation for power system is challenging by the appearance of a number of power electronics apparatuses. A novel interpolation algorithm suited for non-real-time simulation of power electronics circuits is presented with the consideration of multiple switching events. The algorithm employs interpolation to determine the actual switching time for solving the problem produced by fixed time-step integration method. Attempt with halved time-step backward Euler method is used to deal with simultaneous switching which is commonly encountered during the simulation. Furthermore, the system variables are reinitialized at the point a halved time-step later after the switching to consider the multiple switching events. As a result, correct topology and values at the point are obtained to advance the simulation without numerical oscillation. Finally, two test cases are compared with the results obtained from PLECS to show the validity of the proposed algorithm. The algorithm is proved to be stable and accurate even with a larger time-step.
Received: 15 July 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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