A Real-Time Online Method for Detecting and Diagnosing Broken Strand of High-Voltage Transmission Line With Inspection Robot |
Zhou Fengyu1, Li Yibin1, Feng Guorui2 |
1. Shandong University Jinan 250061 China 2. Shandong University of Political Science and Law Jinan 250014 China |
Abstract Based on the radiation field changes caused by broken strand signal of transmission line and the operating situation of inspection robot, the pyroelectric far-infrared sensor that inspects broken strand signal of transmission line is selected. During data processing, broken signal is decomposed by six level wavelet using db4 wavelet base, aiming at the non-stationary nature of strand broken signal and the time-frequency character of wavelet bases. In order to solve problems caused by simply adopting wavelet transform, such as more decomposition information, too many eigenvalues and hard to realizing online inspection which needs manual intervention, the wavelet energy entropy is introduced in the paper. So that the eigenvalues of broken strand fault of transmission line are greatly reduced and easy to automatically extract by computer. When smaller BP network is adopted, the online precise diagnosis to the broken strand of aluminum conductor by inspection robot is realized. The experiment of online detection of broken strand shows the validity of the new method.
Received: 24 March 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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