Modeling and Stability Analysis of OCC PFC Converter With Low Ratio of Switching Frequency to Power Frequency |
Mao Peng1, Xie Shaojun1, Xu Zegang1, 2 |
1. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China 2. Changzhou Institute of Technology Changzhou 213002 China |
Abstract Large-signal model and small-signal model of one-cycle-controlled power-factor- correction (OCC PFC) converter with low ratio of switching frequency to power frequency are built. Through the built model, the problem of phase displacement and power limitation are revealed, stability condition of the system is deduced and the steady operation region is analyzed. The method of calculating filtering inductance and the designing the voltage controller are given. The validity of the theory presented in this paper is proved with simulation and experimental results. The proposed model and stability condition have more valuable reference to the design of OCC PFC converter with relatively high power frequency.
Received: 25 November 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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