Optimal Control of a High Speed Switched Reluctance Starter/Generator for the More/All Electric Aircraft |
Song Shoujun1, 2, Liu Weiguo1, Uwe Schaefer2 |
1. Northwestern Polytechnical University 710072 Xi’an China 2. Technical University of Berlin 10587 Berlin Germany |
Abstract The application background of the switched reluctance starter/generator (SR S/G) system is briefly introduced. The performance requirements of the system are presented, and then the structure and dimensions of an undergoing 30kW switched reluctance machine (SRM) are described. Based on these works, the optimal control strategies of the SRM are studied: on the starting stage of the engine, the switched reluctance machine operates as a motor, the maximization of its average torque is chosen as an optimization objective. Analytic, numerical and floating angle methods of choosing optimal exciting angles are considered respectively and compared with each other in detail. On the generating stage, the switched reluctance machine operates as a generator, the maximization of its efficiency under certain output power rating is chosen as an optimization objective, and the optimal exciting angles to minimize the main losses are obtained.
Received: 18 November 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
About author:: Song Shoujun male, born in 1981, PhD student. His currently research interests include switched reluctance machine, starter/generator system used in airplane and car, motor design and optimal control, non-linear modeling and simulation, thermal analysis of the electrical system.Liu Weiguo male, born in 1960, professor PhD supervisor. His research interests include motion control, electrical servo-control, motor control technology research and application. |
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