Economic Dispatching of Interconnected Power Systems Based on Hierarchy Coordination Method |
Xie Guohui, Zhang Lizi, Shu Jun, Yang Zhan |
North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract In order to adapt to the current multi-level dispatching management system and to promote the implementation of economic dispatching, this paper proposes the hierarchy coordination method for economic dispatching of interconnected power systems. First, the two-level coordination mechanism between area coordination center and sub-areas is established based on the idea of hierarchy dispatching coordination operation. In this way, there would be decomposition optimization through information interaction between the two levels. Second, two-level coordination models are established based on quadratic penalty function method of SUMT. The quasi-Newton method and primal-dual interior point method are adopted respectively to solve these two models. The IEEE30 system demonstrates that this new approach can be used to optimize the economic dispatching of interconnected power systems. Furthermore, this approach proves effectiveness for the area coordination center to achieve one-to-many control and to gain an overall control of the whole area.
Received: 01 September 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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