Interior-Exterior Point Method for Optimal Power Flow |
Zhao Hongshan, Chen Bo |
North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract Interior point method (IPM) has good global convergence, but the rate of convergence would become slow when the trajectory obtains into the neighborhood of the solution at ill-condition. Exterior point method (EPM) can converge to the optimal solution with 1.5-Q-superlinear rate under the standard second-order optimality conditions. The paper proposes an interior-exterior point method (IEPM) for optimal power flow (OPF). The IEPM OPF combines the advantages of IPM and EPM, and has fast global convergence and superlinear local convergence. When the convergence rate of IPM OPF drops to a certain level, the IEPM OPF switches to EPM. The IEPM OPF is numerically implemented and tested on several IEEE test systems and an actual 685 buses system. Numerical simulating results show that the algorithm of IEMP OPF has both the fast global convergence and the fast local convergence.
Received: 23 November 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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