Analysis and Application of Sub-Domain Precise Integration Method for Solving Maxwell’s Equations |
Bai Zhongming, Zhao Yanzhen, Ma Xikui |
State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China |
Abstract In this paper, the sub-domain precise integration method is used to solve Maxwell’s equations. Firstly, the main domain is divided into sub-domains, and then for each time-step, the precise integration method is used to solve Maxwell’s equations in each sub-domain, lastly the main domain solution is derived by combining the results of all sub-domains. In detail discussion, the principle for dividing sub-domain is proposed and the combination method of sub-domain results is given. Furthermore, boundary condition of sub-domains is obtained based on Taylor’s series and the Gaussian integration is used to solve the inhomogeneous integration. Since the method presented avoids matrix inversion and reduces matrix order, data exchange and storage quantity and computing time are reduced. In conclusion, the practicality and effectiveness of these methods are illustrated by examples.
Received: 17 November 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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