A Novel High Speed Voltage-Driving Scheme of Synchronous Rectifiers |
Lin Weiming, Xu Yuzhen, Guo Xiaojun, Huang Chao, Hua Xiaohui |
Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China |
Abstract A new gate-driver scheme is proposed in this paper to improve the efficiency of the self-driven synchronous rectifiers for a resonant reset forward converters. The scheme possesses fast setting-up rate of the driving voltage of the freewheeling and decrease the power losses in the converter. The operation principle, simulation and experiment results are presented in this paper. Design consideration and experimental results are also provided for 3.3V output voltage converters. The proposed gate-driving scheme for a resonant reset forward topology can operate with high slew rate. Then the SRs in this case can be driven properly and a higher efficiency can be obtained.
Received: 10 November 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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