Optimum Vector PWM Strategy for Three-Phase Inverter Based on Immune Algorithm |
Yuan Jiaxin1, Su Xiaofang2, Chen Baichao1, Tian Cuihua1 |
1. Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China 2. Hubei University of Education Wuhan 430060 China |
Abstract A novel vector PWM method for three-phase voltage-control inverter is described. The so-called the optimum vector PWM (OVPWM) strategy is characterized by minimum THD of the output waveform of the inverter. The vector and the corresponding time of operation compose the PWM sequences generated by OVPWM. An immune algorithm (IA) optimization technique is applied to determine the time of operation based on the output voltage vector of conventional vector PWM (VPWM). Comparative analysis proving superiority of the OVPWM technique over the conventional VPWM, and the results of the simulation and experiment of inverter confirm the feasibility and advantage of the proposed OVPWM strategy.
Received: 08 September 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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