Application of Single Neuron PID Controller in Movement Control of High Voltoage Circuit Breaker |
Lin Xin, Wang Deshun, Xu Jianyuan, Ma Yueqian |
Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110023 China |
Abstract Single neuron PID (Proportional Integration Differential) controller used in high voltage circuit breaker linear servo motor operating mechanism is designed. Operating arm driven by linear-servo motor realizes the opening and closing operation, by which the quicker response ability and the better performance can be obtained. Then the control system simulation model of linear servo motor operating mechanism is developed. Control algorithm of single neuron PID and its mathematical model are discussed in detail. A single neuron PID controller mathematical model is formed by taking values of output error square as performance index. Traditional PID and single neuron PID simulation are used separately in the analysis of moving contact movement control during the opening and closing of the high voltage circuit breaker. Test results show that single neuron PID control strategy can achieve the speed tracking, improve the effectiveness of the control, and make the movement curve same as the defined one. This control strategy is a better one for contact movement control to high voltage circuit breaker.
Received: 26 September 2007
Published: 14 February 2014
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