VSC-HVDC Control System Framework |
Liang Haifeng, Li Gengyin, Wang Song, Zhao Chengyong |
Key Laboratory of Power System Protection and Dynamic Security Monitoring and Control Under Ministry of Education North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract As one of the core technologies in VSC-HVDC system, the control system of VSC-HVDC is paid more attention. Researchers are mainly focus on the design of controllers and the control methods of VSC-HVDC but the research of the control system framework of VSC-HVDC system is nearly neglected. This paper firstly introduces the structure of VSC-HVDC system. Then it clarifies the basic control functions of the control system of VSC-HVDC and points out that the redundancy configuration and the multi-layer structural design are necessary. A four-layer structure of the control system framework of VSC-HVDC is proposed concretely, which is made up with the DC system control layer, converters control layer, separate control layer and valves control layer. Based on the principles of configuration of each layer, the paper describes the control functions and scope of each control layer at details. In view of the close correlation between the control system and the protection of VSC-HVDC system, the paper further discusses the coordination issues between them.
Received: 02 April 2008
Published: 14 February 2014
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