Optimal Coordinated HVDC Modulation Based on Adaptive Chaos Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in Multi-Infeed HVDC Transmission System |
Zhou Xiaofa, Chen Chen, Yang Fan, Chen Minjiang |
Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200240 China |
Abstract In order to enhance the dynamic stability of AC/DC power system, a novel adaptive chaos particle swarm optimization (ACPSO) algorithm is presented and applies to design optimal coordinated HVDC modulators for the multi-infeed HVDC system. According to the proposed ACPSO algorithm, the diversity of the particle swarm is enhanced by using the ergodicity of the chaos motion to initialize the swarm; a part of particles are chosen on the basis of their fitness value and optimized by chaos optimization algorithm to help the inert ones jump out the local extremum region at each iteration; the capability of global and local search is improved by introducing an adaptive inertia weight factor for each particle to adjust its inertia weight factor adaptively in response to its fitness. Simulation is implemented on a three areas dual-infeed HVDC system, in which the active power deviation of the AC inter-ties and the rotor angle deviation of all generators are selected to form the objective function, and the ACPSO algorithm is used for searching the global optimal parameters of each bilateral frequency-difference HVDC modulator. The simulation results show that the proposed ACPSO algorithm can realize optimization and coordination of HVDC modulation and enhance dynamic stability of AC/DC interconnected power system more effectively than the traditional PSO algorithm and genetic algorithm, and can be a promising method for parameters' optimal coordination of HVDC modulators in multi-infeed HVDC power system.
Received: 25 March 2008
Published: 13 February 2014
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