Characteristics of the Sliding Electric Contact Under Different Currents |
Guo Fengyi, Ma Tongli, Chen Zhonghua, Zhao Rubin, Jiang Guoqiang, Ren Zhiling |
Liaoning Technical University Huludao 125105 China |
Abstract At different currents, temperature rising of sliding contact surface is caused by the combination of frictional heating, Joule heating and arc heating. At the same time, the sliding contact surface’s temperature rising changes the contact materials’ composition, and conversely affects the sliding contact characteristics. In this article, the Cu-based sintered alloy strip and Cu impregnation carbon strip are two experimental materials, and rub against the Cu-tin wire to analyze the wear characteristics with currents. By the comparative analysis, this article reaches conclusions that the contact resistance, the temperature and the wear rate of two slide plates rise with current. The contact resistance change rate of the Cu impregnation carbon strip are lower, but the contact temperature is higher; because of the existence of lubricant and arc-resistivity of carbon, the Cu impregnation carbon strip possesses lower wear rate and good wear characteristics with current.
Received: 28 May 2009
Published: 18 February 2014
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