Optimal Control of Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverters by State Feedback Linearization |
Shuai Dingxin1, 2, Xie Yunxiang1, Yang Jinming1, Wang Xiaogang1 |
1. South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China 2. Panzhihua University Panzhihua 617000 China |
Abstract Based on state feedback linearization control theory and linear quadratic control theory, a novel single-phase full-bridge inverter control strategy is proposed in the paper. The nonlinear affine model of the system is set up. The nonlinear state feedback transform equation is derived and the nonlinear system is realized linearization via state feedback linearization control theory. Further, this paper proposes a linear quadratic performance target based on passivity considerations. The feedback coefficients are optimized using the linear quadratic control theory. The control scheme proposed has advantage of simple controller structure, low cost and easy to implement with DSP. The validity of the control scheme is verified by numerical simulation and experiment results. Highly accurate steady output, less distorted waveform and strong robust to the disturbance of load are gained based on the proposed control scheme.
Received: 21 August 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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