Abstract:This paper presents a deep research on the AC fault current and voltage distortion of voltage-source PWM rectifier after the breakdown fault of its power devices. The result from the research is also compared with that of conventional SVPWM inverter. Based on the conclusions derived from the performance analysis of PWM rectifier after the fault, this paper comes up with the affects from its double-loop control scheme on the current and voltage distortion, as well as from different DC output currents and AC inductance, together with their contribution to the distortion. Finally, the fault characteristics peculiar to large-capacity PWM rectifier is analyzed, and then a fault device localization approach for it is introduced.
王磊, 赵雷霆, 张钢, 吴佐民, 刘志刚. 电压型PWM整流器的开关器件断路故障特征[J]. 电工技术学报, 2010, 25(7): 108-116.
Wang Lei, Zhao Leiting, Zhang Gang, Wu Zuomin, Liu Zhigang. Analysis of Fault Characteristics After the Breakdown of Power Switches in Voltage-Source PWM Rectifiers. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2010, 25(7): 108-116.
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