Abstract:Due to the high system capacity, high voltage withstand level and low harmonics of output voltages, the neutral point clamped (NPC) three-level inverter is widely used in the field of medium and high voltage and high capacity power conversion equipment. In order to reveal the relationship between space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) and carrier-based pulse width modulation (CBPWM), the principle of SVPWM is analyzed firstly. There are three modes in the linear modulation region depending on the modulation index. Secondly, the modulating functions of CBPWM equivalent to SVPWM in the three modulation modes are derived, which are on the basis of CBPWM regular sampling rule. Theoretical analysis shows that three-level SVPWM is a special type of CBPWM algorithm. The validity and effectiveness of the theoretical analysis is verified by simulation and experimental results.
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